• CNC深孔加工機方便且經濟效用高,佔地面積小的標準機種
• AEC電極自動交換裝置 (選配)
• 可在放電銅管消耗達一定程度時自更新銅管,減少人力提升生產力

- Capable to read DXF file from AUTOCAD and transform to NC program directly.
- NC program is compatible with Wire Cut working program. Without further amendment it can begin to work from start point of wire cut program.
- Optimum machining program can be called out automatically upon inputting thickness of workpiece, and wear rate.
- Network capability (option).
- 導引頭 1.0mm - 1
- 導引頭 0.5mm - 1
- 止水膠塊 1.0mm - 3
- 止水膠塊 0.5mm - 3
- 省力快速接頭 - 1
- 銅管 - 10
- 黃銅管 0.5×400mm - 10
- 護罩(前) - 1
- 護罩(後) - 1
- 工具箱 - 1
- 噴油組 - 1
- 過濾網(水) - 1
- 風管(橙色)
- ER夾頭
- 頭部旋轉B軸
- AEC電極導引頭自動交換裝置(10支刀架,20之刀架)
- 自動換導引頭裝置(AGC) (4Postion)或(直排式)
- 1000 rpm主軸